Tips and Tricks for Programming
Discover essential tips for programming, including the importance of concentration, organization, and creativity for successful coding. Programming is an activity that requires some requirements such as: concentration, organization and some creativity. To write codes efficiently and quickly, the best tip is to find tricks, shortcuts and resources that make this work easier. In the article we prepared this month we will cover 3 main areas: keyboard shortcuts, best coding practices and useful resources.
1. Keyboard Shortcuts
Using keyboard shortcuts can make you more agile and save a lot of time during code development, this way you can focus more on the code and less on looking for options.
• Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V / Ctrl + X : Copy, paste and cut.
• Ctrl + S: To save the document wherever you are working, instantly.
• Ctrl + Z / Ctrl + Shift + Z : Undo and redo.
• Alt + Tab : Switch between open windows.
It may seem difficult at first, but with practice you will optimize your time and performance.
2. Coding Best Practices
Codes must be clear and organized so that any changes that may be necessary can be easily made. This way, it is also easier to identify errors quickly.
A) Write readable code:
• Use mathematical variables and functions when necessary;
• Put some auxiliary comments in your code, succinct and only the essential;
• Divides extensive functions into parts;
B) Frequently test the code:
• Uses testing frameworks (e.g. Jest, Pytest, …)
• Write unit tests for each module.
C) Keeps the code clean:
• Deletes codes that are not needed and are not being used.
• Avoids “hardcoding”; uses usable variables.
3. Useful features
There are several platforms available for learning to code. We highlight just a few of them:
• Codecademy : To learn the programming language from scratch.
• FreeCodeCamp: With free courses and some practical projects;
• Git and GitHub: Version control and team collaboration.
• Prettier: Automatic code formatting.
In conclusion, programming is a very vast area and one where you will have room to progress for many years. Here we present just a starting point in improving programming. You can search more intensively to find more shortcuts, more applications and other resources. Put these tips into practice and you will be able to improve your performance.
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